Gamification – a novel way to “Expand Your Brand.”

One of our franchise attorneys, Jason Power, recently learned about the concept of gamification from an online learning course that he took.  Gamification is a way of bringing concepts from games, such as video games or even board games, to non game related avenues.  We all see this every day, but bringing it to the world of franchising may help to “Expand Your Brand” and make your franchisees happier. Imagine that you, the franchisor, could utilize the same game elements that your children love from their video games (i.e. badges, level-ups, comparing their progress to others, etc.) and use those same concepts to improve your franchise system.  With some research and work, this will not be as difficult as you may think, although it may take some refining over time.  By giving your franchisees the opportunity to turn their business into a game-like setting and compete against their fellow franchisees on a voluntary basis, you will have somewhat created a gamification style program that, if operated correctly, may foster franchise growth and the ever needed friendship between franchisees. Gamification is a relatively new concept that is being taught by a select few people.  The idea is proving itself over and over again and the more we look at it, the more it seems to be something that the franchise world has been using to a certain extent, but could greatly expand upon and make its own. For more information on this posting, to talk about how your brand can benefit from similar concepts or to have a free consultation about how Shelton & Power can help you “Expand Your Brand” please call us for free at 866-993-7262 or click HERE to email us.