So you want to know what the different states are in Franchising!

In franchising, many people ask what does it mean when someone refers to a state as a franchise registration state or a business opportunity state. These are great questions, because there are different laws for each type of state and within each type of state the individual states have their owns laws relating to franchising. Specifically, the states regulate franchisors and the sale of their franchises. These laws are geared towards protection of both prospective franchisees and existing franchisees. The franchise attorneys at Shelton & Power have put together a short video explaining the basic differences between (i) franchise registration states, (ii) business opportunity states, (iii) notice states and (iv) states that are governed solely by the Federal rules. We welcome you to click HERE to watch the video through Shelton & Power’s YouTube channel and subscribe for future videos or watch directly below. Franchise state laws video overview (VIDEO LINK) For more information after the video, please visit our website at, contact our Tampa, FL; Austin, TX; or Santa Rosa, CA offices toll free at 866-993-7262 or by email at