Everyone knows that you need to apply for and obtain a visa to work in the United States if you are from a foreign country. However, did you know that you can obtain a visa to work in the US by investing in a franchise? If you meet the requirements of the E-2 visa and the United States has a treaty with your home country, then you may be on your way. The requirements for an E-2 visa include that you must be actively investing in at least 50% of the company and the company you invest in must bring in significant funds and stimulate the economic growth of the US. There is not a set definition for “significant funds.” The amount can depend on the type of business you will be investing in. If you meet these requirements and are interested in coming to the United States to invest, then talk with a knowledgeable attorney who can help you with any other requirements specific to your home county and the application process. For more information on buying a franchise or the E-2 visa program, please contact our offices toll free at 866-993-Franchise (7262) or email us at info@sla.law.